Hydrangea Care

Hydrangea Care

Overall, hydrangeas are a fairly easy flower to grow and care for. You just need to follow the simple instructions from Gardenizi below to enjoy the beauty of hydrangeas all year round.

Plant hydrangea plants in an area with full morning sun and partial sunlight after midday to protect them from the afternoon heat. While hydrangeas will adapt to most soils, the pH can impact the color and intensity of the plant's blooms, depending on its variety. Keep hydrangeas well-watered and add a lot of organic compost to help fertilize this shrub with large, showy flowers. Hydrangeas are not known to be invasive plants.


If planting hydrangeas in full sun, be sure to maintain a proper watering schedule so these shrubs will not dry out during the summer. It is best to grow hydrangeas in an area that receives morning sun and afternoon shade.


In some hydrangea selections, blue or pink flower color is affected by soil pH—the bluest color is produced in strongly acidic soils (below pH 5.5), pink or red in neutral to alkaline soils (pH 7.0 and higher). Florists control the flower color of potted hydrangeas by controlling the soil mix. Blue-flowered florists' plants may show pink blossoms when planted in less acidic soil. Maintain blue flowers by applying aluminum sulfate to the soil, keep it red (or pink), or make it redder by "liming the soil". Flower-color treatment is not effective unless started well ahead of bloom time.


Give hydrangeas a deep soak once or twice a week so that it reaches the roots. It is essential to water regularly during the first few years after planting. Generally, during the growing season, you should water hydrangeas with at least one inch of water every week, in addition to supplemental watering for new plants or during a drought. Water the plant's base or roots instead of the flowers and leaves—This helps to prevent diseases from forming on the leaves. Different varieties, like Bigleaf hydrangeas, may need more water.

Temperature and Humidity

Hydrangeas grow best in climates with moderate humidity and temperatures—typically around 50°F to 60°F—under 80°F is best. The afternoon sun is too much light for hydrangeas, so find an area where it will receive partial sunlight, usually around six hours of morning sun daily, and then rest in the shade. Hydrangeas also need protection from harsh weather conditions like high winds or storms.


Supplementing hydrangea growth with a highly organic fertilizer around the roots can help promote healthy blooms, but these shrubs do not require a lot of fertilization. The plant variety will indicate whether it is necessary to use a fertilizer, as some have different times of the year when it is best to use this supplement.